
Hell 'n Damnation

Welcome to Hell 'n Damnation - a site dedicated to Disbelief. We do not Believe in Belief. We hold from extensive studies (by real degreed psychologists) that Belief cripples the mind. Therefore, we do not believe in Hell, or in Damnation, as experiential evidence is lacking.

We carefully follow Science in the physical realm, as it evolves, exchanging new understanding for old. but don't "Believe" in Science either. It doesn't completely encompasses our reality, and it can't explain why there is anything instead of nothing, or even prove there actually is anything. No, the Big Bang isn't an answer, it's just an event.

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Many of us have experiences that are far beyond coincidence as an explanation, but are not explainable by science. Some people just shove such "unscientific" things into the background or deny they really happened, but others are willing to accept them, and even act on them. For this reason, we are also sceptical of Scepticism, as it holds that everything must be "proven" or "disproven" by known science. Conversely, anyone who tries to "prove" extra-normal anything by scientific means, will see only disappointment - these things don't operate by the same rules.

Quite a few report communication with Gods (inclusive of Goddesses), generally communication in non-verbal modes. These cannot be explained scientifically, or even unscientifically. Many who have frequently communicated with them have reported they have fallen relatively silent in 2020. There is no explanation for this, we are not privy to their reality.

While we may recognize the Gods, and respect them, and while some choose a devotional or worshipful attitude to one or another, we don't really know what they are, or what their objectives are - and anyone who claims to understand these things in detail is a fraud. This includes every one of the "Holy Books".

We can't even say if sexuality applies to God/desses or whether we assign these distinctions based only on perceived human-like characteristics. They can appear to us however they please - so if you are going to deal with them, caution is appropriate, and mutual trust must be established.

For a whole lot of thoughts on this "God or Not" stuff, I refer you to the book Godless Paganism - voices of Non-Theistic Pagans, ISBN 978-1-329-94357-5.

We totally reject monotheism and the God(s) of the monotheists. Monotheism is a tool of deception by despots emperors and authoritarians of all stripes. The Gods we know are not jealous and/or vengeful, and none claim to be the "one and only". Monotheism is purely a structure created by men for their own purposes, and supported by their Books of Lies. Monotheism was not welcomed by the peoples, it was enforced by authority and by the sword.

Faith is the most pernicious form of Belief. It is Total Belief without a shred of evidence - something an "authority" told you you must "have Faith in". To "have Faith" is to give up your humanity.

All this does not, in any way, mean nothing matters. Things matter a whole lot. Participate in what you perceive as reality and "what is right" for yourself, others, and the world - with determination and enthusiasm - or your time here is wasted. Continuously test your reality, and be prepared and wiling to change your views as your life matures. In the words of John Beckett, "Hold loosely but practice deeply."

This Web site is only 2 days old (08-17-20) There will be more here as time permits - so check in now and then.

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©Andrew Grygus - agryg@aaxnet.com - photos on this page not otherwise credited are © cg1 - Linking to and and non-commercial use of this page permitted.